But my favorite summer time activity by far is paying homage to the sun god and taking in some vitamin D (aka laying out) and spending time with my new found literary best friends while reading David Copperfield--yes, a Dickens! I love the penetrating/scorching heat of the Texas sun, and it has been so fun to get sucked into the world of London in the 19th century with Davy and all of his friends. Dickens is truly transporting. In the original preface to the book, Dickens talks about his mixed feeling upon finishing the book: "the pleasure in the achievement of a long design [and] regret in the separation from many companions." He actually says that he lays his pen down sorrowfully, but looks forward to sharing these characters with the world. Anyway, I quickly fell in love with David, his loyal servant Pegotty, his Aunt Betsey Trotwood, his crazy friend Mr. Dick, and his loving friend Agnes. (I also easily grew to hate the manipulative and creepy Uriah Heep, the sour Mr. Murdstone, and the slick Steerforth.)

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