I guess there is some comfort in always having something to do, but there are a few tasks that are exhausting in their never-ending nature: namely cleaning and grading.
These tasks are unique in that as soon as they are completed, they need to be done again. As soon as I finish grading and record all the grades, the kids turn in more work and my stack of grading grows to its previously sad/scary height. It is the same with cleaning: as soon as I finish, I can enjoy the fresh scent of ammonia and the tidiness for what feels like a matter of minutes before things are disheveled again and dust bunnies begin to form. The fact that these tasks feel like they can never be completed and enjoyed for a meaningful length of time that make me drag my feet to even attempt them. Although I have found that both cleaning and grading are most efficient when you have a large block of time to devote to doing them. Get a window of several hours and knock it out. Usually music or a good movie in the background help ease the blow too.
Fortunately for me, it feels like time as stood still this week because I have had THREE snow days in a row. With all of this time, I have finally gotten to trhe bottom of my grading pile and have caught up on just enough cleaning to still enjoy the days off.
I WANT THAT PILE OF PAPERS. ahhhhhhh..give me that a red felt marker and an hour! DONE. :)