One of the things that I never expected having to deal with as a teacher was weaponry, but these are not your average weapons. These weapons are the product of creativity and distraction among middle schoolers. Their weapon of choice? Eraser bits. I find them everywhere: on the floor, stashed in the corners of desks, in the halls, in pockets, under cabinets--EVERYWHERE! These little eraser bullets, as I so lovingly call them, are the bane of my existence. I hate them. All my students know that there are few things in this world that bother more than eraser bullets. I don't know what it is exactly that gets under my skin about this seemingly innocent pastime. I think it is that these eraser bits are a reminder of how creative and resourceful these young minds can be when they want to be. My students can invent elaborate and creative games and entirely new forms of weaponry and ammunition using just the materials in their pockets and desks; and yet when they encounter a semi-challenging assignment, it is all complaining and excuses. If they applied just a fraction of this creativity and resourcefulness to their school work, my job would be so much easier. But until then, I decided to collect all the eraser bullets and other shrapnel that I find to keep as artifacts and documentation of this battle of school supplies. I have collected quite the arsenal.
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